Custos e @gronegócio on line, ISSN 1808-2882, Recife, v. 16, Issue 4, p. 1-563, October/December. 2020.      

Catalog profile





Drivers of technical efficiency in agriculture in the Western Balkans and New EU member


Danilo Đokić, Stanislav Zekić, Žana Jurjević e Bojan Matkovski


Economicity of a system of growing/finish based on a native pasture with supplementation...........16-50

Fabricio Nogueira de Souza, William Madeira de Quadros, Nelson Ruben de Mello Balverde,

Guilherme Iriarte Gonçalves, Anny Desiree Duarte Mendes e

José Acélio Silveira da Fontoura Júnior


How does the intangible asset affect company efficiency? Evidence from the listed

companies in Serbia´s meat industry...................................................................................................51-78

Milenko Radonić, Snežana Knežević, Aleksandra Mitrović e Stefan Milojević


Comparative analysis of costs between fields of a georeferenced soyvean farm in

Maracaju - MS.....................................................................................................................................79-104

Meriela Rocha de Inácio e Mara Luiza Gonçalves Freitas


Investigating allocative efficiency, cost efficiency, technical efficiency using Stocastic

Forntier Analysis (SFA) of groundnut farm households: evidence from a case in India................105-129

Pawan Kumar Singh, Rajiv Kumar Bhatt e Ravi Kiran


Investiment analysis of soybean production system in sugarcane renewal areas.........................130-164

David Ferreira Lopes Santos, Juliana Borba de Moraes Farinelli, Kandy Horita,

Bruna Luísa da Silva e Camila Aparecida Fonseca Souza


Technical efficiency of goat farming in the Western Mediterranean Region of Turkey

by Stocastic Frontier Analysis..........................................................................................................165-184

Şerife Gülden Yilmaz e Mevlüt Gül


The Value Relevance of biological assets in Brazilian public firms: an incremental analysis

of the Ohlson model..........................................................................................................................185-204

Marília Paranaíba Ferreira, Lorena Conegliam, Carlos Henrique Silva do Carmo e

Alex Mussoi Ribeiro


Analysis of the relationship beteen processors and packaging suppliers in the SAG for

broiler chicken, using the Theory of Measurement Cost...............................................................205-237

Daniel Teixeira dos Santos Braz e José Paulo de Souza


Comportamiento estratégico y desempeño de empresas en sistemas pecuarios de


Asael Islas-Moreno, Roberto Rendón-Medel, Jorge Aguilar-Ávila e

Miguel Ángel Vargas-Del Ángel


Efficiency of family agricultural cooperatives in Brazil and Spain.................................................262-296

Elizabete Maria da Silva, Diogo Ferraz, José Daniel Gómez López, Reginaldo Brito da Costa e

Michel Constantino


Determining factors of financial performance of agricultural listed companies in China..............297-314

Lujing Liu, Jian Xu e Yue Shang


Contributions of troughtput accounting to the evaluation of economic results in a family

agriculture unit..................................................................................................................................315-347

Letícia Jacoby, Daniel Pacheco Lacerda Dalila Cisco Collatto


Optimal evaluation metrics to select the best offers on an outsourced basis................................348-369

Heyder G Wannes Alkarawy


Gestión de costos interorganizacionales en una empresa productora de alimentos

para peces.........................................................................................................................................370-388

Vesnia Nicole Ortiz Cea, Cecilia Del Pilar Gallegos Muñoz, Estela Irene Rodríguez Quezada e

Welington Rocha


Economic analysis of sheep farms: a case study from eastern part of Turkey.............................389-403

Ahmet Deniz, İbrahim Yıldırım e Kenan Çiftçi


Collective unconsious in the knowledge of cost accounting: from the perspective of

accounting science students.............................................................................................................404-428

Emerson da Silva Costa, Luana Cristina Morais de Oliveira, Keliane de Melo Ramalho,

Wênyka Preston Leite Batista da Costa, Luiz Antonio Felix Júnior, Jandeson Dantas da Silva


Can organic agriculture be competitive?.........................................................................................429-444

Mirela Tomaš Simin, Danica Glavaš-Trbić, Marica Petrović, Bojana Komaromi,

Nataša Vukelić, Vuk Radojević


Adverse climate events effects on management control system usage........................................445-468

Thiago Bruno de Jesus Silva, Kaique Trindade Pires, Cristian Baú Dal Magro e

Carlos Eduardo Facin Lavarda


The  impact of biological assets and the CPC 29 review on the relevance of accounting

information: an analysis of companies listed in B3, Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão...................................469-491

John Pablo Cândido Dantas Silva e Anailson Márcio Gomes


Chuchu´s agro-chain`its configuration, network formation and coordination based on

the Time-Driven Activity Based Costing system (TDABC)........................................................492-518

Francisco Isidro Pereira, Lívia Katheryne Cardoso Gonzaga e

Matheus Edvaldo Alves de Oliveira


ABC costing methods applied to transgenic sybean by conventionl and precision

farming systems...............................................................................................................................519-533

Karoline Arguelho da Silva, Isotilia Costa Melo, Jéssica Syrio Callefi,

Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto e Anamari Viegas de Araujo Motomiya


Components of the cost of production of beef calves in Rio Grande do Sul State in

different ways of dam obtention.....................................................................................................534-561

Fabiano Nunes Vaz, Ariel Schreiber, Marcelo Machado Severo, Ricardo Zambarda Vaz,

Leonir Luiz Pascoal e Paulo Santana Pacheco


Instructions to authors....................................................................................................................562-563