Custos e @gronegócio on line, ISSN 1808-2882, Recife, v. 12, n.3, p. 1-354, July/September. 2016.      

Catalog profile





Performance assessment of the Pinus radiata cultivation by a non-industrial owner:

an analysis of ex-post results by applying a capital assets pricing model.......................................02-10

Eduardo Acuña e Magdalena Lisboa


Target costing: exploring the concept and its relation to competitiveness in agribusiness...........11-25

Afonso Carneiro Lima, José Augusto Giesbrecht da Silveira, Samayk Henrique Ferro da Silva e

Hong Yuh Ching


Farm level technical efficiency analysis and production costs in tomato growth: a case

study from Turkey.............................................................................................................................26-38

Orhan Gunduz, Sahinde Sili e Vedat Ceyhan


 Logistic cost structure for disposal of cotton fiber to external market: case study in

Scheffer Group..................................................................................................................................39-70

Margarida Alves Rocha, Josmária Lima Ribeiro de Oliveira, Fabricio Ziviani,

Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino e Magno Alves Ribeiro


Effects of agricultural supports on farmer's revenue and product costs: the case of Turkey......71-96

Arif Semerci


Efects of adoption of IFRS in accounting conservatism of joint-stock companies

which explore biological assets.......................................................................................................97-120

Alessandra Vieira Cunha Marques,  Cassius Klay Silva Santos, Ilirio José Rech e

Patrícia de Souza Costa


Factors affecting milk production in dairy farming enterprises and effectiveness analysis:

a case study in Konya Province of Turkey.................................................................................121-136

Cennet Oguz e Selime Canan


Cost management in agribusiness: the use of Activity Based Cost (ABC) in a small

rural property...............................................................................................................................137-152

Edson Pedro Zambon e Darlan Bee


Cost analysis and profitability in Brazilian agribusiness activities: a comparison

between temporary and permanent crops...................................................................................153-179

Elias Milton Denicol, Karen Prigol, Alex Eckert, Roberto Biasio, Marlei Salete Mecca e

Maria Salete Goulart Martins Denicol

Comparison of cost and profitability of organic and conventional apple nursery

tree growing...................................................................................................................,..............180-192

Vecdi Demircan, Adem Atasay, Kamil Ekinci, Mesut İşçi e Mesut Altındal


Does commodity price volatility affect textile cost behavior?...................................................193-216

Luiza Santangelo Reis, Kevin Joseph Good, Altair Borgert e Fernando Richartz


Economic-financial analysis of a hydroponic farming system....................................................217-239

Reginaldo Borges e Tiago Cardoso Dal’Sotto


The effects of price variability in wheat seed on farm organization...........................................240-259

Kerem Hazneci e Vedat Ceyhan


Garlic in broiler chicken nutrition: emphasis on economic efficiency, chickens

production coasts and breast meat quality parameters..............................................................260-272

Nikola Puvača, Mirela Tomaš Simin, Dragana Ljubojević, Natalija Džinić,

Ljiljana Kostadinović, Olivera Đuragić e Sanja Popović


Measurement and disclosure of the bearer biological asset at the fair value

in beekeeping: an alternative to the historical cost....................................................................273-302

Sílvia Adriane da Rocha, Deyvison de Lima Oliveira, Cleberson Eller Loose e

Wellington Silva Porto


Capital structure determinants: evidence from Spanish listed firms.........................................303-328

Ntoung Agbor Tabot Lious, Pison Fernandez Irene e Cibran Ferraz Pilar


Evidence of isomorphism regarding activities performed by controllers in grossery

stores from Serra Talhada (PE)..................................................................................................329-352

Maria Livânia Dantas de Vasconcelos e Rezilda Rodrigues Oliveira

Instructions to authors................................................................................................................353-354