Custos e @gronegócio on line, ISSN 1808-2882, Recife, v. 14, n. 2, p. 1-451, April/June. 2018.      

Catalog profile





Probing profitability of irrigated and rainfed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops

under foliage applied sorghum and moringa extracts in Pakistan.....................................................02-16

Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Imtiaz Hussain, Muzammil H. Siddiqui, Essa Ali e Zahoor Ahmad


A bibliometric analysis of the Balanced Scorecard from 2000 to 2016.............................................17-36

Flênya Raffaela Moura Silva Montenegro e Aldo Leonardo Cunha Callado


The economic dimension of production and acquired virtual water from the Saudi trade

for citrus...............................................................................................................................................37-52

Othman Saad Alnashwan, Khalid Nahar Alrwis, Adel M. Ghamen,

Sharaf Aldin Bakri Ahamad e Nageeb Mohammed Aldawdahi


Reflexes of the automation technology in the economic results of integrated aviaries to a

poultry company.................................................................................................................................53-72

Thamara Oliveira dos Santos, Eduardo Tramontim Castanha, Januário José Monteiro,

Anderson Correa Benfatto e Andréia Cittadin


Integration between quality costs management and activity-based costing: a study

in the quality control sector of a dairy company..............................................................................73-89

Thiago Augusto Scardelato, Juliane Andressa Pavão, Reinaldo Rodrigues Camacho

e Almir Teles da Silva


The competitiveness and its stability of fruit products: the case of China....................................90-111

Wang Jing


Variation measures of the efficiency between cycles of sugarcane by means of Malmquist


Terezinha Bezerra Albino Oliveira, Antonio Cezar Bornia, Carlos Ernani Fries,

Mauro Wagner de Oliveira e Lailton Soares


Efficiency analysis in agricultural enterprises in Turkey: case of Thrace Region.....................137-160

Başak Aydın e Gökhan Unakıtan


Significant learning in cost education............................................................................................161-188

Ariel Behr, Ângela Rozane Leal de Souza, Camila de Oliveira,

Jéssica dos Santos Crestani e Giovana Sordi Schiavi


Motivations and learning strategies of students in  cost accounting and the influence

on academic performance..............................................................................................................189-212

Maria Angélica Silva Costa,  Beatriz Negrelli da Silva  e Katia Abbas


The nonlinear effect of agricultural informatization on agricultural total factor productivity

in China: a threshold test approach...............................................................................................213-236

Rui Deng, Guangue Ran, Qiang Zheng e Xiangiun Wu


Gross profit analysis in olive oil production: a case study of Hatay Region-Turkey.................237-259

Arif Semerci


Economic-financial indicators of dairy production on family rural properties............................260-282

Fabio Junior Simionatto, Silvana Dalmutt Kruger, Sady Mazzioni e Sérgio Murilo Petri


Economies of scale as a source of cost advantage: example from the agricultural in

the Czech Republic........................................................................................................................283-302

Josef Krause


Cross hedging of the cow from the main Brazilian producing markets on the

BM&FBovesp a live cattle foture market...................................................................................303-339

Odilon José de Oliveira Neto, Reginaldo Santana Figueiredo e Simone Oliveira Rezende


Board gender diversity and earnings management in agricultural sector - Does it have

any influence?...............................................................................................................................340-363

Vladan Pavlović, Goranka Knežević e Radica Bojičić


Differences in producing costs´structures of conventional and genetically modified

corn in Brazil, on the second crop: 2010/11, 2013/14 e 2014/15.................................................364-389

Lucilio Rogerio Aparecido Alves, Matheus Sleiman da Costa, Fábio Francisco de Lima,

Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho, Mauro Osaki, Renato Garcia Ribeiro e

Luiz Henrique de Almeida


Scenarios of product value aggregation: a creation proposal of a family agroindustry............390-410

Cristian Rogério Foguesatto, Fernanda Maria Müller, Felipe Dalzotto Artuzo e

João Armando Dessimon Machado


Performance evaluation of basic-level farmers´associations introducing customer

relationship management..............................................................................................................411-421

Ridong Hu, Mingyu Lin e Chich-Jen Shieh


Reconciling the net present value annualized and the additional return on investment:

an example in agribusiness:..........................................................................................................422-431

Carlos Henrique Rocha e Paulo Augusto P. de Britto


Relevant knowledge of the 21th Century Accountant................................................................432-449

Mariano Yoshitake, Marinette Santana Fraga, Dionisio Gomes do Carmo Neto,

João Eduardo Prudêncio Tinoco, Paulo Cesar Bontempo e Rui Américo Mathiasi Horta

Instructions to authors..................................................................................................................450-451